Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Do You Get A Wife On Mount And Blade



always surprising to see the ease with which our languages \u200b\u200bspread to the four winds the defects we see in others. It is also amazing how often judges in any corner flow, giving verdicts of guilty to right and left, because in our society are very critical given the more salacious, taking into account only completely biased point of view, backed up by a partisan uncontrolled hatred to everything that we do not like the sound. We always see the beam in the eye of others and do not remember where we came from or who you lamimos the ass to get to where we are seated. We assume that our reason is right, and the harbor with arguments and disgusting arrogance. With our speeches unpalatable, we want to signal of talent and wisdom. Ideologies bearers made to our measure rarely put into practice, because it is not the same as saying to do, and we wash our conscience esturreando a handful of crumbs with the approval of four clappers counted wrong, that whatever we gild the pill.

Now it's up to scholars discuss crisis, and why solutions, while still eating upon it. And some officials see it as a Sueldazo, sometimes doubled, complain because they have fallen by 5%. And makes me sick. And I see as the corrupt grasp at straws for not releasing the prey, and with thousands of tricks "legal" stay in power to continue sucking like leeches. And the president says employers must do more and charge less to get Spain out of this situation. Menudo example. And politicians eat and drink and drink again, and the car can not pull over, full of drones. And the Spain that we have all done.

Years ago, in full swing of the new democratic Spain, one time or another discussed in a fair fight, with people who had lived through other stages dark, but viewed with some skepticism the speech of the new "saviors of the country "that came to the fore driving the discourse of freedom and equality, which to them sounded like Chinese. Reasons apparently had, when I said "these are like empty leeches waiting to snag some beast" I had trouble understanding this position, and saw it as a waiver of prosperity as a breath of fresh air, walked the New Spain. Young little wisdom perhaps, made me believe that could challenge for a more just and fraternal society, no major differences and without social injustices.

BUENOS PRINCIPLES The principles of equality and justice policy promulgated by the beginning of the English transition, always understood from the consistency. I know that while in principle everyone is equal, not everyone deserves the same. The award for the value and responsibility must be reciprocated. We are partly responsible for the "social differences" that exist in our world, since our behavior and our commitment in many of the daily values, we classified and grouped us. It is logical to reward the effort, but it is mandatory to know also that our achievements were possible because there was a company that put our hands on the possible tools to achieve them. Therefore, although our efforts need to be rewarded, it should not be a factor that increases the separation between social classes. You have to give back to society what it provided we.

Now times have changed. These principles of equality and justice in our country now have a utopian and nostalgic significance. By now we all know what this is all politics. Politicians in their speeches invoke the sensitivity of ordinary people. They imply that they are close to the most disadvantaged groups with promises they know will never be fulfilled. Narrow the hands of people who really do not care the least. They have become a social class whose goals are far from the vocation and altruism. They rely on palm and in the stomachs started (see: contract, union members, officers ...) that their only safeguard is to loot the state coffers to pay unworthy to go beyond the award for productivity. They laugh at the people with arguments for transparency. Are justified and supported by trickery "legal" to increase their power with excess and heritage.

For me, it is difficult to digest the echoes that come to me dragging the enlightened voices of country, the vain words of the maverick, the lies of those who believe in the power of reason and those who are married to an ideal that is going into the pockets of those who despise those who think like them, of sectarian critics with arguments of the hardliners of the God-like, of his right hand know what your left. Every time I feel less identified with this country full of looters. Full of scum they have in mind a single ideal: rich.

In this Spain that we have all done so there is a long way to go towards a just and egalitarian society, but as sets the scene, I think priorities of our people down in another way.


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