Monday, November 15, 2010

5 Month Baby Voice Changecoughing


should go back a long time ago to ask about the Andalusian roots, in order to make a fair analysis of the current situation in this region. Far from the induced prosperity of Catalonia and the Basque Country, caused by governments that it clashed with the interests of large landowners, Andalusia stood for years in the stockade lack of education, wages and poverty. Ignorance caused by the powerful who did not want the people to learn more Beyond the work from sunrise to sunset. Misery caused by starvation wages that could not always take. The vague image of Andalusia, without knowing why, is installed in sectarian and racist society beyond the borders of Andalusia, and as a result of this is the continuing attacks our people bear putting into question our work and honesty.

time to talk about the statements of one Joan Puigcercós, belonging to a political party that represents the Catalan nationalist ideology and uncompromising, and yet again refer to the Andalusian village as if our people were the cause of all evils in Catalonia. Probably this man does not lack collect the PER will to live, because since it was installed in politics back in 1987, has been sucking on the boat. But hey ... spend a minute to refer to the statements of this uneducated and ignorant individual, not worth it.

relation to this controversy in which the well-paid defenders come to Andalusia arena for home or ballot box, I come to mind statements at some point also heard the same philosophy, but unfortunately the mouth of the Andalusian own welfare now installed in giving possession of a fixed and good salary, usually in the administration. People who rubs shoulders every day with those who just live on the width to give four euros and some wages, which in some way contribute to small towns or villages not disappear, and this may be due to the stalls which allow them not having to beg for INEM offices looking for a handout.

is wrong and hurts the criticism from ignorance and intransigence is made from outside our land, but never understand the defeatism that we practice in our own house from hatred and from the opulence.


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