Monday, August 30, 2010

How To Say I Do In Spanish At A Wedding


What we want do with our lives? if sometimes what we have is not what we want and what is within our reach, "vagaries of us or our life?

At first you think you have control of their life but then you realize that no, it is life that holds the reins you, because every day if you're not to the expectation that something good or bad will happen to you, you're on the lookout for an explanation, because as good human beings that we need an explanation at all, simple as it is the need to alleviate the questions piranha eats away at us inside.

believers and nonbelievers need it, is like a painkiller to calm our hunger to know everything, ultimately it is our nature that will always make us react to the idea that we are human and we have this thing called compassion for others do not know what I am referring, because very few times I have response or if you've done that already happened, I guess for now is a bit necessary to go back to that girl who had a response to the intrigues of life on a whim that made him see his fate.

The case is troubling is how we react or how we can awaken from the dreams of reason, that as I read there, because monsters. I guess I do not know that there is a haunting intrigue, still dormant, because I still can not find answers to many acts in humans, including mine, every day we know which aspects of thought we would never do: cheat, lie, distortion, no help and many more, are monsters of our guarded attitudes are still there, waiting to have the opportunity for them to neglect our shed some light and make your own and then make us feel guilty for our actions, is something that corroborate with experience.

may feel that you wake before the dream of the mind itself by simply checking the work of our friends, colleagues, or people we admire, we wake up and say, "what have I done with my time, with my life, regarded as such a person has moved on and I'm still here stuck in my own dreams that were it not for what my eyes are never wake up "are questions that make us react, are we awake alcohol sweet that momentary swoon we had, what we do, but we do not have the initiative to run.

What remains to Do, "visualize from a perspective outside of our lives?," Crime against the idea of \u200b\u200bwaking up and still enjoy the martyrdom of what we do?, Or just "give up what we love, to what we are passionate about?, are individual decisions that can change our life, our existence, would choose?, we'll know when we feel happy and fulfilled in what we decided.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Winx Glam Magic Mattel


Fact or legend, that Palma Burgos have told those who came to his studio to see how it will Cristo de la Noche Oscura: el que quisiera ver el rostro de este Cristo, tendría que mirarlo de rodillas. De su gubia salió uno de los Cristos más patéticos, que reflejan la muerte de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

Al compás del seco sonido del cayado que golpea el suelo, marcando el paso de los portadores de tan bella talla, el Cristo de Palma Burgos se hace visible por las calles de Úbeda cada Martes Santo, para arrancar suspiros que rompen el silencio de un pueblo orante...
(Pincha en la foto para ver el reportaje)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Most Winning Pick 3 Numbers



spoken of increased secularization, which in statistical terms is expressed in terms of people who are Catholic, with a reduction of 15% over a period of two decades. Other declaring so, recognize that it involved virtually nothing of the life of the church except in cultural events or social own Catholic holidays. Course, this leaves a little for the convenience of everyone, because when you have to make use of the temples to bodorrio and others, if we remember to Santa Barbara. The theologian Juan José Tamayo gave two reasons why it has come to this situation, and one of them-as Tamayo is the loss of credibility of the hierarchy and the church as an institution. I guess when speaking of hierarchy refers to the upper echelon, because those at the bottom of the canyon, and I mean priests, missionaries and so many people that leave the skin to help in the name of God the helpless rather do, and sometimes without the necessary means.

my point of view and not saying anything if they say, the flock of God, at least in these parts, is somewhat scattered and disoriented due to lack of shepherds, since they are held and remote in their palaces away from social realities. Proximity and especially balance to society, would be a good remedy for that though black sheep disperse without remedy, this does not affect the best of the flock. Although I am aware that it is not easy, surely if you got to strengthen the good, the bad would recover a lot.

and giving to the leaders partly to blame, it would be foolish to hear this news, almost always in ways that seem voceada "SER" that the Catholic Church is the enemy down, and shake the dust as if thing does not go with us. Being Catholic and Christian therefore requires commitment and a commitment that most are not willing to take because the "values" have been installed in our society do not tell us anything that is not quite worth it and me first and then me. These values \u200b\u200bhave broth lack of training not only Christian, but also social. If, from the smallest community-family-religion does not become stronger, difficult to recover what was lost and could even fall into the depths. Although not standard and not attributable to all levels of society, where rudeness abounds, the greengrocer, the lack of education, the arrogance and lack courtesy, there can be nothing other than mud.

said that the hierarchy can not demonize, but possibly one of those that you can charge is the attachment to certain canopies that are not at all an example of what appears in the Gospels. You have to sift the wheat with screeners of holes not too big to not pass the screenings. The false shepherds in search of fame, supported proliferate lying crooks, and not always from the plain is easy to discern what the true message of God, and that those who claim to speak in its name does not appear to clean wheat. The Church would do well a change in tone and in particular with regard to the scourge ravaging the Third World. It would also be advisable to switch to some messengers, and that since wealth is difficult to preach humility and fidelity to the truth.

may change the attitude of a people calling themselves Catholic would be difficult, but if they spread other examples among those who claim to be the chosen ones sing us a different story.