After a sluggish summer, I return with vigor the task I have set: to inform my style, things are happening in this square and its surroundings. I've been sitting at home doing nothing, no. Although many people have taken their well-deserved vacation, I've moved around the city and from time to time I have got to give me a beach and sea baths moon. San Pol, Vilassar de Mar, Mataró and Barcelona to the same were my beach destinations, which I enjoyed to the utmost ...
Han cambiado el sistema de iluminación de la plaza; ahora hay más visibilidad y menos oportunidad para los cacos, que pudieran estar al acecho de alguna víctima descuidada…
I gave a few laps around the neighborhood, too. We have new subway lines in the Sagrera and have opened with a big party. There is no need to make changes or give many turns to reach Badalona or Vall d 'Hebron, with lines 9 and 10 meters have it easier.

When I got home I met with more celebration: the Grup d'Havaneres The Barretina, closed the day with songs and at the end, shouting Visca Visca Catalunya and the Catalan!, and a glass of rum cremá everybody to bed ...
© Susan S. Villafañe
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