What we want do with our lives? if sometimes what we have is not what we want and what is within our reach, "vagaries of us or our life?
At first you think you have control of their life but then you realize that no, it is life that holds the reins you, because every day if you're not to the expectation that something good or bad will happen to you, you're on the lookout for an explanation, because as good human beings that we need an explanation at all, simple as it is the need to alleviate the questions piranha eats away at us inside.
believers and nonbelievers need it, is like a painkiller to calm our hunger to know everything, ultimately it is our nature that will always make us react to the idea that we are human and we have this thing called compassion for others do not know what I am referring, because very few times I have response or if you've done that already happened, I guess for now is a bit necessary to go back to that girl who had a response to the intrigues of life on a whim that made him see his fate.
The case is troubling is how we react or how we can awaken from the dreams of reason, that as I read there, because monsters. I guess I do not know that there is a haunting intrigue, still dormant, because I still can not find answers to many acts in humans, including mine, every day we know which aspects of thought we would never do: cheat, lie, distortion, no help and many more, are monsters of our guarded attitudes are still there, waiting to have the opportunity for them to neglect our shed some light and make your own and then make us feel guilty for our actions, is something that corroborate with experience.
may feel that you wake before the dream of the mind itself by simply checking the work of our friends, colleagues, or people we admire, we wake up and say, "what have I done with my time, with my life, regarded as such a person has moved on and I'm still here stuck in my own dreams that were it not for what my eyes are never wake up "are questions that make us react, are we awake alcohol sweet that momentary swoon we had, what we do, but we do not have the initiative to run.
What remains to Do, "visualize from a perspective outside of our lives?," Crime against the idea of \u200b\u200bwaking up and still enjoy the martyrdom of what we do?, Or just "give up what we love, to what we are passionate about?, are individual decisions that can change our life, our existence, would choose?, we'll know when we feel happy and fulfilled in what we decided.
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