other ctivities performed .... Is ... good relations ...

Michel Bachelet, a former president of Chile, in the act of recognition of the leadership of women in positions of public trust in the Palace of Pedralbes, chaired by José Montilla, president of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Presentation of the book "His crisis, our solutions" by Susan George.

FIDEM awards ceremony, the woman entrepreneur.

Presentación del libro «Eva devuelve la costilla» de Joana Gallego Ayala .

Cecilia López, precandidata a la presidencia de Colombia por el partido Liberal; Julia lopez, periodista; Diva Criado, abogada, presidenta y vicepresidenta de la Asociació Món Comunicació, de la que soy secretaria.

Antonio Balagueró y Santiago Zanou, directores de cine, jurados en el concurso de clipmetrajes «Tu punto de vista puede cambiar el mundo», organizado por Manos Unidas.

With Paloma Zapata, Film director and producer of video clips of success. Jury
also in the contest clipmetrajes "Your point of view can change the world", organized by Manos Unidas.
Awards Caixa Forum.
Photo: Susana Sosa Villafañe
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