throughout our existence, our eardrums foreboding winds came talking about crisis and other bad omens. When the survival of our being and that of those who accompany us in this battle, sometimes tasteless, is subject on foreign shores and these props are not reliable, our instinct beats warning causes that generate distrust, because experience tells us that the bad, the worst will be for us, and I think more than anything else. Sometimes I speak of left, right, center, past, future, although there was a time I learned that there is only this, with reasons rather than see them as such, I set the comedian milongas aimed at filling the pockets of those who proclaim. Serving tips based on the experience of simple men and silver head, and fled items clamoring scholars who never went to bed on an empty stomach. I was disgusted when the costume of lamb, wolf approach me to get me a vote, which eventually will fill your stomach. I was disgusted when a son of a bitch I want to believe you are negotiating for my future when I know too well the only thing that matters is yours. I am uncomfortable with having to live with leeches for which I'm just a fat number statistics, and for that I am an excuse for their wars.
I'm sure the crisis is just a state of mind caused by pulling the strings, because I see how it distributed the best chops. Interested in the crisis to which they are enriched in an atrocious at the expense of cutting the illusion that they sold earlier. Interested in the crisis to those who are already occupying the chair ass la Moncloa even at the cost of lacerate the very foundations of his house, which is Spain. Interested in the crisis to the vague leaders of the unions, because the excess fat you eat the wolf. Interested in the crisis for those living fear of causing insecurity in the underdog. In short, the crisis invents powerful reminder that we are mere puppets of straw, in a game that they dominate.
And not a day passes in which we see that the tide of insecurity rises to drown without remedy, and that this evil still trying to eat the scavengers of the day, because in the end there will be only that: carrion. And not a day goes by in which our ears, tired of always hearing the same and the same, to atrophy by the hum of the drones who are looting the hive impaired workers. And do not spend the day in which the excuses and good intentions and to me sound Chinese, is that socialism and incompetence is not the same. And no day passes that you make an effort not to vomit, listening to that purports to be the leader of a Spain cornered. And ask me to do strike, and to have patience, and I warn that worse is to come. And watch as rescuers go everywhere, bent on fighting for my welfare, putting my needs as yours. And they give my ears sounding phrases.
closed in 1992 Electrochemistry Andalusia. Many parents stayed unemployed, and many patients who later died. Then 27 years and like everyone else, contributed financially to give her a watch to the person who the smile and good little words came to leave us in the street. I watched as some took chopped ready and privileged, and like others, to which these were called companions, sank into poverty. "Spain is full of liars and scum who are just looking to fill their cheeks with the efforts of honest people who luckily there are more" That long ago I checked when I started to live and I wanted to clip the wings. We
alike. Previously, we endure a bloody crisis, and now I know who escape from their mouths. From what I am sure of is that my pocket will not even a girl, to have someone on your wrist a watch my expense.