Night came
Hallowe'en or Halloween or Halloween is a holiday from the Celtic culture that takes place mainly in the U.S. on the night of October 31. Children dress for the occasion and walk through the streets begging for candy from door to door. After knocking on the door children uttered the phrase "trick or treat" or "Sweet or trick" (from the English trick or treat). If adults give them candy, money or any other type of reward, is interpreted to have accepted the deal. If instead they refuse, the boys spend a little joke, the most common throw eggs or shaving foam against the door.
This vigili
to evening the day before the feast of All Saints, in English culture is translated into English as "All Hallow's Even" (Vigil of All Saints). Over time, your pronunciation was changed first to "All Hallowed Eve", then change to "All Hallow Een" to complete the word we know today "Halloween" which became a festival purely commercial. It was held in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in Canada, USA, Ireland and the UK. But now celebrated in almost all Western countries to greater or lesser presence.
Its origins date back to the Celts, the last and largest Celtic festival took place on 1 November. Samhain is the festival's most important Celtic pagan period that dominated Europe until the evangelization of Christianity, which was celebrated the end of the harvest season in the Celtic culture and this day meant New Year's Day (being the day before , Oct. 31, "New Year's Eve"), and in turn indicated that began a new phase: the winter season
dark party is both a transition (the transition from year to year) and opening into another world. Has been practiced for more than three thousand years by the Celtic peoples that have lived all over Europe (Iberia in places like Galicia, northern Portugal, parts of Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi, Navarra, and largely deLeon).
And the party was exported to the United States mostly Irish immigrants in the nineteenth century, more or less around 1846. The expansive force of U.S. culture, Halloween has been popular in other countries. On Halloween, in modern times is considered an American holiday.
The children travel in search of treats probably liaison with the Dutch tradition of the Feast of St. Martin.
The main celebration takes place after dark, when children of different ages made a journey from house to house carrying paper lanterns. At the door of every house the children perform a short song typical of the festival (with lyrics varies by region or time), being rewarded by the inhabitants of the house with candy or fruit. It is very probable that this custom is the predecessor of the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Halloween, but there are no sources that document.
The origin of pumpkin
really the origin of the pumpkins were turnips, which were emptied to enter a burning inside, and light the way to the spirits who came to earth that night and so find their way home to his family and neighbors. Samhain
in Galician culture. Rafael López
d and Halloween, and perhaps if it is a very American holiday but the way I love all the parties because this would not be less.
I would ever enjoy alongside the Americans, because they do know to make these parties only, and we do not know about or do good Christmas.
I'm from Barcelona and last year at Christmas, apart from shopping in the city center were almost no lights on city. Let that came out of those areas and looked like any other time of year. The truth is that I looked like a sad city, and the excuse given by the City Council not to put so many lights was because they spent so much energy. Total savings that we were even without Christmas. Could they get off a little pay and pay electricity bills, hehe.
Finally, we will not go on a tangent, that Christmas we'll talk soon.
Now I put a roll on Halloween, but the truth is that paper I have learned many things.
All information is taken from Wikipedia, if you want more information, and I've only put a summary of what I have found, because everything is set too long, and it's just good to know a little more about it, and know that Halloween is a holiday that Americans have claimed, but actually even Spain is celebrating this event.
I would ever enjoy alongside the Americans, because they do know to make these parties only, and we do not know about or do good Christmas.
I'm from Barcelona and last year at Christmas, apart from shopping in the city center were almost no lights on city. Let that came out of those areas and looked like any other time of year. The truth is that I looked like a sad city, and the excuse given by the City Council not to put so many lights was because they spent so much energy. Total savings that we were even without Christmas. Could they get off a little pay and pay electricity bills, hehe.
Finally, we will not go on a tangent, that Christmas we'll talk soon.
Now I put a roll on Halloween, but the truth is that paper I have learned many things.
All information is taken from Wikipedia, if you want more information, and I've only put a summary of what I have found, because everything is set too long, and it's just good to know a little more about it, and know that Halloween is a holiday that Americans have claimed, but actually even Spain is celebrating this event.

Hallowe'en or Halloween or Halloween is a holiday from the Celtic culture that takes place mainly in the U.S. on the night of October 31. Children dress for the occasion and walk through the streets begging for candy from door to door. After knocking on the door children uttered the phrase "trick or treat" or "Sweet or trick" (from the English trick or treat). If adults give them candy, money or any other type of reward, is interpreted to have accepted the deal. If instead they refuse, the boys spend a little joke, the most common throw eggs or shaving foam against the door.
This vigili

Its origins date back to the Celts, the last and largest Celtic festival took place on 1 November. Samhain is the festival's most important Celtic pagan period that dominated Europe until the evangelization of Christianity, which was celebrated the end of the harvest season in the Celtic culture and this day meant New Year's Day (being the day before , Oct. 31, "New Year's Eve"), and in turn indicated that began a new phase: the winter season
dark party is both a transition (the transition from year to year) and opening into another world. Has been practiced for more than three thousand years by the Celtic peoples that have lived all over Europe (Iberia in places like Galicia, northern Portugal, parts of Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi, Navarra, and largely deLeon).
And the party was exported to the United States mostly Irish immigrants in the nineteenth century, more or less around 1846. The expansive force of U.S. culture, Halloween has been popular in other countries. On Halloween, in modern times is considered an American holiday.
The children travel in search of treats probably liaison with the Dutch tradition of the Feast of St. Martin.
The main celebration takes place after dark, when children of different ages made a journey from house to house carrying paper lanterns. At the door of every house the children perform a short song typical of the festival (with lyrics varies by region or time), being rewarded by the inhabitants of the house with candy or fruit. It is very probable that this custom is the predecessor of the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Halloween, but there are no sources that document.
The origin of pumpkin
really the origin of the pumpkins were turnips, which were emptied to enter a burning inside, and light the way to the spirits who came to earth that night and so find their way home to his family and neighbors. Samhain
in Galician culture. Rafael López
Loureiro, Cedeira schoolteacher (A Coruña) was responsible for rediscovering this tradition and ensure that there throughout Galicia until less than thirty years. In addition, it also found its survival in the north of Cáceres, around the area you are located Galician-speaking villages, and in areas of Zamora and Madrid.
Trick or Treat (Trick or Treat)
This custom, trick or treat, owes its origin to the pursuit of Protestants against Catholics in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth
As a result of this persecution, the Protestant King James I and his Parliament were victims of an assassination attempt but the plan was truncated when Guy Fawkes one of the conspirators, then executed, spoke under the pressure of the executioners and betrayed his fellow
The fact led to a burlesque party, where Lutherans gangs protecting their identity under masks grim, celebrating the date of discovery of the betrayal by visiting Catholic homes and requiring its residents cowed beer and pies. The threat, it became popular very quickly: "Trick or Treat. "Thus the" Guy Fawkes Day "came to America with early settlers, was moved to October 31 and joined the party
Trick or Treat (Trick or Treat)
This custom, trick or treat, owes its origin to the pursuit of Protestants against Catholics in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth
As a result of this persecution, the Protestant King James I and his Parliament were victims of an assassination attempt but the plan was truncated when Guy Fawkes one of the conspirators, then executed, spoke under the pressure of the executioners and betrayed his fellow
The fact led to a burlesque party, where Lutherans gangs protecting their identity under masks grim, celebrating the date of discovery of the betrayal by visiting Catholic homes and requiring its residents cowed beer and pies. The threat, it became popular very quickly: "Trick or Treat. "Thus the" Guy Fawkes Day "came to America with early settlers, was moved to October 31 and joined the party
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