The task that was available about the fotomaratón, was the vision of what we wanted to do, show a video with photos, music and writings about friendship. Its title, "just friends" because we wanted to connote the good times we have spent with our friends from the university. The division of labor was performed as follows:
Mary Dupont was commissioned to select photos you had on your computer as Omaira Plaza, analyzed and subsequently took the most relevant to the topic, the most made known the various times when we have company. Following this, we looked for phrases such features fellow, "the cliché" to enter it, even though it was with all partners, because the duration of fotomaratón would last much longer.
The selection of music was simpler, Mary Dupont Plaza Omaira selected the music that goes with the theme, both in pace and lyrics, the message they left to catch those who had the opportunity to observe our fotomaratón and enthrall, also we would chose the pictures where every song.
also was conducting a thorough editing process with its own video effects and that there was not a written over a photo that did not belong. It is thus with much effort succeeded in transforming a sequence in a video clip photos.
Mary Dupont Plaza Omaira
18,721,858 18,990,777
CIV-Section # 1
Social Communication skills workshop 20
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