Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hard Crust In The Nose
Well here I am writing my first Blog. I still do not know what to wear, because this seems like a diary which can read any. Not if I aficionare exactametne this, but I needed to have a blog to enroll on a culinary exchange that makes elrincondebea Bea, who read a lot lately and I really like. Sure
faileth fans and will serve me well to not forget about many things (I say I have a memory of fish), my travels, my recipes, my hobbies, movies, books, finally, I have many things to say that surely will be a great blog.
And while I thank all who so far have read this first post
A Greetings to all
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wrestling Ring Blowup

For human communication has always been a fundamental basis for expression and for centuries it does through various tools, one of them, the most commonly used oral language, but many people use it in a way not very professional (not very clever), wear and potential benefits gets the good talk, how to know how to use this tool as essential for communication human and the exchange of information. There are several methods and tactics to make more attractive the way we speak, taking into account the use of grammar, the correct pronunciation of words, the morphology of the same, how to compose and practice, by implementing what is necessary to be a good speaker, thus giving a verbal cunning.
The perfection of vocabulary, pronunciation and everything about it, is achieved only through reading and writing, as well as enriching allows changing mental vocabulary, respecting the rules of grammar, however, some words vary by culture, in a pattern being formed in various parts of the world, such social causes that we implemented the different societies makes us different in how we express ourselves when we speak, our customs.
Organizing ideas before submitting an issue is paramount, since it longer in a conference where there is already a time limit for what is going to speak would be a total failure, hence the importance of the order of ideas is necessary, because it makes a better angle to see what the speaker says, clearly express their ideas, making information more accessible, this set of information that should have a beginning a middle and an end, must be argued using rhetoric and making the information much more reliable and attractive, without falling into a vicious circle of meaningless words that result and end up confusing the listener.
The ability to speak, able to communicate all that is meant, varies with the audience and the topics that are going to point out, bearing in mind that the attention span of the collector is the same in all scenarios (there are diversity in every sense, social classes, political and socio-economic), much less the analysis on certain topics, since the level of education or culture is the same in all people, just as the company is responsible for marking these guidelines create a barrier and do not allow advance some people always have to stop participating or at least have a feedback of information between speaker and listener to know that they're paying attention, as a good speaker should be a good listener, respecting ways of thinking of others maintaining harmony in the environment, a balance.
Communicates to an end, to achieve one goal: to convey a message, information, talk is one thing, from simple to complex ideas, words, always pursue an end.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Software For Hiding Ip On Ubuntu
Dreams are a total surrender, fight for what you want without fear of suffering, without inhibitions being "free "because love is exposed to suffer, and even when it hurts, in the future will look to the past, knowing who gave the heart and soul to what ever loved without feeling fear.
Paulo Coehlo is a renowned writer of Brazilian origin, as their works are characterized by stop and reflect on teaching the individual who seeks refuge in literature, though his books follow a linear theme and love always manages to catch the readers.

literary work starts with 2 characters: Pilar , afraid to love and then suffer because of it, becomes dominant with their feelings, because if controls love could conquer the world, and thought; And his childhood friend (for whom he had something special, something more than friendship), he (whose name is not mentioned in the book) pursued his dream of traveling the world and put it in the letters sent to constantly Pilar, but now took refuge in religion and the healing power of avoiding conflict in his heart after eleven years without seeing him invited to a conference in Madrid and gratuity will encounter longed for both. By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept legend of a river that consumes everything that falls into his bed forming part of the stones that adorn it.
The story has a chronological sequence and only one week is enough for them to declare their love, their fears, their dreams. On Saturday December 4, 1993, Pilar Zaragoza travels to Madrid, then agreed to go to the conference to give his childhood friend, after hearing him talk about total giving, to live without fear from a future risks and noted that if it was worth fighting, chasing our dreams, to face the disappointments, the disappointments that often make us abandon our goals. During the conference Pilar learn more about the life of his friend, things he had said in letters about a new religious concept, one that sees "the feminine face of God." The reunion is tense, but after being in the eyes knew they were the same children who once played in the streets of Soria (place that grew up).
next day, traveling by car to Bilbao, where will the next conference of his friend, his love, during a trip to the city, he, in a love child, Pilar asks to accompany him to the conference, she agrees it would only be a single conference and did not heed the alarms of care that gave his heart. He gives in a string bag that she had lost when they were children, just the day that he would declare his feelings and his lips came the words he had rehearsed for that day I love you. With the completion of the conference Bilbao, her friend invited her to France and although she tries to stop what was already inevitable, he ignores her comments and routed to the next conference.
Monday December 6 French landscapes come to the awareness of Pilar is eclipsing his heart, even after being sure he felt the same about her, but she refused to believe in fairy princesses, I thought today's princesses princes kiss then turn into frogs. He knew, he knew the struggle that raged in his heart and admired for being so strong against the feeling of love. He began to tell him about his gift, to talk about the Great Mother, the Immaculate Conception, which was manifested through the Water for Life. On the streets of Saint-Savin, his friend told him about the history of the "Other", a being within each individual deafened us to the requests of the heart, shut up to our inner child and not allow us to grow.
So, that night Pilar decides to practice the exercise of "Other" and out the voice of the woman who controlled her feelings and will avoid giving the baby, she was happy because after many years came back to listen to heart. Morning came, Pilar radiant woke feeling free to love and suffer, but was sure he would not suffer, his love gave him security and confidence. He tells why he decided to enter the monastery to be seminarian his love for her allowed her to transform it into love all men, she was his strength and his side needed , the superior of the monastery knew he was not happy, and that his life needed Pilar, the reunion in Bilbao had been planned by the superior, since its childhood friend wanted to share the rest of his life with Pilar and she well knew, it felt the same.
On Wednesday 8 December in the festivities in honor of the Virgen de la Inmaculada Concepción, Pilar is a step closer to the religion that gave a new face of God, a "feminine face", she felt renewed, " virgin and free to follow the man wanted in the pursuit of their dreams. This day he spoke with the Great Mother Pilar hidden. Previous night, after their hearts are interpenetrated, ecstasy are addressed and make love with this desire to express their passion melee.
Being next to him and feel his breath enough to feel Pilar made that morning he decides to return to Zaragoza, turning her life from scratch and did not care to give more lectures and confesses, in the Monasterio de Piedra his love for her made him return the gift to the Great Mother had given him, this makes Pilar decides to leave, run away and tell this story.
By the River Piedra, Pilar sat and wept, felt guilty and bad, wanted to drown in the river every time he had spent with him, who had lived with him, the love of his life. She cried and cried but I could not forget, wanted to die but fate had prepared for another course, that just reading the book, embodying the history, knowing in more detail, you will discover the path that took their lives.

Monday, September 8, 2008
Habitat Plates Pea Japan
The task that was available about the fotomaratón, was the vision of what we wanted to do, show a video with photos, music and writings about friendship. Its title, "just friends" because we wanted to connote the good times we have spent with our friends from the university. The division of labor was performed as follows:
Mary Dupont was commissioned to select photos you had on your computer as Omaira Plaza, analyzed and subsequently took the most relevant to the topic, the most made known the various times when we have company. Following this, we looked for phrases such features fellow, "the cliché" to enter it, even though it was with all partners, because the duration of fotomaratón would last much longer.
The selection of music was simpler, Mary Dupont Plaza Omaira selected the music that goes with the theme, both in pace and lyrics, the message they left to catch those who had the opportunity to observe our fotomaratón and enthrall, also we would chose the pictures where every song.
also was conducting a thorough editing process with its own video effects and that there was not a written over a photo that did not belong. It is thus with much effort succeeded in transforming a sequence in a video clip photos.
Mary Dupont Plaza Omaira
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CIV-Section # 1
Social Communication skills workshop 20