I get the impression, certainly not saying that nothing of interest rather than the citizenry as a whole, most of our politicians, make them walk the partisan interest and everything that can be achieved leaning against the shadow a good tree. I get the impression, probably not mistaken, that the strongest weapon they use all this kind of social benefit, is the tension. And that is to get the power, we no longer need ideas or projects. Now, the political opposition is not a control methodology to the ruling, though there are thousands of subterfuge to get away from her, but sometimes speculations, half-truths and others, drawing on what media to generate controversy and fueling hatred .
our Pontiff's visit could not escape this policy is to act, and in this case, the inappropriate statements of the Holy Father referring to the constitutional-not forget-separation of church and state, have generated a debate for the umpteenth time unnecessary, encouraged by those who believe saviors of the country, again have not hesitated to assign the power to classify the Catholics in one context, because for them, Catholic and conservative are the same thing. This hypocritical act, like many others, is neither more nor less than wanting to keep ahead of a dangerous current confusion, which calls into question the fundamental law of the State, and that promote hatred between the various ideological currents this country. Do not forget, that secularism now present in Spain, Catholics gives us the freedom to speak out freely in our convictions. This freedom is the freedom of other faiths and other ways of thinking should enjoy from the respect.
Socially, the Pope's visit as expected has led to views for all tastes, I understand from some sectors have attempted to manipulate in a negative way, to throw stones at the roof of the Catholic Church. The problem is, that we have not forgotten, because there are people who are interested do not forget. Knowing this, Benedict XVI could have saved stoke the embers. The anticlericalism of the 30's, was put evidenced by the atrocities of which were gun. Used by people in the name of freedom, terror and oppression more brutal, not only against the wearing habit, also with those who hardly knew persignarse and pray the Lord's Prayer. Then came the "second round" and the gun changed hands, and the story was repeated, this time praying to God and help themselves in the worst of meanings. Now, in Spain grow new generations beyond that dark history. With freedom of choice, and freedom to make mistakes. Of those who know little or much that tragedy, depends in large measure not happen again. Catholics we strive to maintain our belief, and that these grow in the hearts of our children without impositions, and reasons not involving at all the dirty politics. Therefore, for the committed Catholic, demonstrations of this type put into question our arguments.
Anyway, as all could not be bad, I'll take far more profound words spoken by the Pope during his visit to Spain. How truths promulgated phrases such as temples, generate no breeding ground for neither the freeloaders of our country, and critics of the Church, used as missiles.
"Between truth and freedom is a close and necessary. The honest search for truth, the desire for it, is the condition for authentic freedom. Can not live without each other "" You need not be a confrontation, but an encounter between faith and secularism, we must renew the faith to answer that secularism "" We need to re-echo God joyfully under the skies of Europe; that the word holy does not act ever in vain not making perverted to serve ends which are inappropriate "