Belgian Serreria - C Alameda - Madrid 2004

The project started as a direct result of where it sits, referring both to the immediate surroundings, the nearby fields and orchards, tree groups The small church ... tiny areas of residence and collected, as the distant views of the river, the mountains, sky, islands, covering the beautiful visual and symbolic landscape of Galicia from land to sea.
The building is divided into three distinct elements:
- The cast concrete base with the ground, understood as a continuation of grasslands in a new topography and creates a new level of respect and accommodation: a cover with strong ecological character.
- The main room designed as a volume matérico, warm, flaky texture, where a coating of plywood refers to woods nearby mountains.
- The volume of the library and classrooms, designed as a lighthouse, a gazebo, a smooth, lightweight case where a coating based on transparent and translucent polycarbonate reflects sunlight, sunset colors, the shape of clouds, gray rain ... blending into the sky.
think the concept of conventional bullring is obsolete. The new company adopts new requirements, so we opted for a new concept of versatile and flexible space, which somehow also connects with the past and recover the historical origin of the square of all peoples and meeting venue where also celebrated bullfighting events, festivals, fairs and dances.
An investment of this size should allow the use of the site not only for fans but also taurine for conferences, concerts, theater, summer theater, sports, ... Besides the bullfighting season is a huge season (only at fairs, festivals and evening possible) and the condition of flexible space to facilitate their use throughout the year, making it possible for the community cultural center.
The square has a non-homogeneous, since the conventional centralized provision is only profitable for certain applications. It decentralize a large number of locations in a fan-popping a new focus to a possible stage and ensure good acoustics, without penalizing their use as conventional bullring. In fact it pays the number of retail locations in the shade, as if in a normal space is 50% in this provision is 75%, and all locations of sunshine offset by a position very close to the ring.
The functional layout of the room is clear, with a main east-west axis linking the front door (public area) with the bullpen gate (service area and private uses). The doors of gangs and drive up a trident visible frontally from the presidency and Royal Box.
The public area consists of an annular gallery in two heights and forms a permeable space visible from the outside, conceived as an extension of the park. The closing of this space based on a metal mesh appears or disappears depending on the light, causing attractive spatial effects giving the building the character and mystery that any building of this kind needs. At night the gallery lighting exterior view through the square mesh evanescent become a beacon of light striking diffuse.
The gallery forms the ground floor entrance hall, with access to services and shopping, while the upper ring is completed by forming a distribution route and rest of the public, appearing free areas for possible location press and disabled. The public distribution is conducted in a clear and easy access to both lines and in the evacuation through a direct connection between vomitoria, stairs and exterior doors.
FRMP The headquarters of the agent is conceived as a developer that takes pride of place. Thus, the volume presents a multifaceted project coated copper plate, which addresses in particular their interaction with the city in each context. It is a building that responds to its environment, the different feelings that the situation provoked. The outer skin forms a live volume, full of nuances and reflections, in which the copper patina of the building shall be supported with the river and vegetation.
Plants pierce U acquiring a schema, each open to an orientation with his back to the noisy street. On the ground floor the building welcomes visitors to the park opening understood as a major entry plaza also allows, through the reflections of the faceted surface, the park in and be part of the building. The first floor opens to the River. Thus the main communication spaces are directly related to vegetation water and the suspension bridge, and also reflected by the building is part of the landscape and the landscape of the building.
Apart from these two large concave glass, copper skin is understood as a closed wall that folds, open and timely manner selectively displayed balconies, cutbacks and small openings at selected points that give partial views of rear garden, the gazebo or river. So from the street the building is perceived as an attractive enigmatic presence, shut in on itself.
Public functions of the program are on the ground floor in a visual space fluid. On one hand the offices open to the public, and the other the large multipurpose room, accommodating up to 300 people. It is seen as a multifunctional space with the possibility of independent use of the rest of the building in which to hold conferences, exhibitions, conferences, courses, events, multimedia, etc. It is a large open space open to patio access and a visual crack into the river. " By means of movable partitions the room could be subdivided into three smaller spaces more suitable for other uses.
The large gap next to the staircase divides the first floor space and functionally. On one side the semi-public area with meeting rooms and the library, the other more private area with the offices of the groups politicians, the administrative chief and the president of their respective secretariats. In
, there are cutbacks and openings that allow to see outside at selected points, but has essentially a closed volume reminds crystalline forms.
The building block concept avoids the conventional residential, posing a reflection on the serialization and a proliferation of these types housing and linearly superimposed, so as not to create just a building but a new landscape, a flexible body that is shaped and adapted to the conditions that affect solar
The folded shape of the volume continues to respect the city's main street alignments, but is broken to allow passage of the new green areas raised in the special plan, you create semi-enclosed areas, most private human and livable, microclimates of light and shade, vegetation, gardens, streams, wind ..., community spaces where it is increasing neighborly relations. Interstitial spaces are important as well as built.
The building was empty and at points creating hollows leak visual and functional flows of people, light and air. Fold built
also grows in height to dialogue with the environment, creating a visual link between the formal and small blocks north and south towers.