death penalty for sex crimes Venezuela
death penalty for crimes in Venezuela
sex life is an inviolable right as men and women of the world, also in the laws and rules governing the Venezuelan State, which has as a fundamental right to life is how in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in its article 43 states: "The right to life is inviolable. No law shall establish the death penalty (...) ", also in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its Article 3 states:" Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person ". Also the Catholic Church does not support the death penalty apply to this institution is unacceptable, because the one with the right to judge is God.
Moreover, the crimes they commit asocial individuals with mental pathologies are punished by the Venezuelan government, the regulator for morality and decency are maintained, despite being in charge that does not happen again infringement The tendency for these individuals break the law again is remarkable, this happens a large percentage of those who sexually abuse another person, who, in most cases happen to be women and children, this is shown by analysis conducted by the Center for Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC) this year being 3,000 (increasing badly in comparison with 2004 it had registered 1,800 cases), affecting 98% of close relatives of the victim responsible for such abuse, according to the psychological trauma specialist Central Hospital, Ana Gallardín. Currently
the Criminal Code of 2005 is the fundamental rule that governs the Venezuelan people for the implementation of punishments for crimes such as mentioned above (for adults and children) as murder, theft and more. That is why in its article 374 establishes the punishment will be applied depending on the case at present, however, does not set a maximum sentence of 15 years at least. With the new Penal Code reform, Added to these cases follow-up to those violators, not to commit the crime again, that is, the State is responsible for monitoring so that never again commit the crime again.
This year is a weighted average of 3,000 victims under Cicpc and statistics that have been presented, these rates are increasing. So to eradicate this problem, would uproot Intelligent including the Venezuelan cardinal rule the death penalty for sexual abuse?. This question makes Karlith Monsalve lawyer who has dealt with cases of violations during the past 6 years. For the lawyer
Karlith Monsalve, it is necessary to enforce the death penalty, but this procedure can be applied, it is hampered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, according to the lawyer, in the absence of such treaties and whether the constitution had not included this article, the death penalty would apply normally, because the Catholic Church, although it does not accept the death penalty to any individual is not taken into account when establishing criminal proceedings, he said Monsalve.
Despite this 87% (approximately) of the Venezuelan population according to the Catholic Church is a practitioner of this religion, which is governed in most cases have the model of thinking of the Church, so indicates José del Carmen Sánchez, a student of theology at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary: "Our institution, or supported our belief that applying the death penalty or some other type of sentence that could harm another human being, we have the right judge, that right is only what God said Sanchez, for such offenses should be set up crisis centers where the violator can recover and get back on the path of righteousness, "Sanchez added.
However, would add to Venezuela's Criminal Code to punish any other sentence for rape will make those responsible for these acts and others who want to commit decrease and to avoid punishment? Or is it necessary that the law is strictly applied back the death penalty?
Counsel submits that it is necessary to enforce the death penalty for perpetrators of such violations and those who want to make a model with what might happen if they were committed, adding that compared the criminal justice system XIII century French, which after applying the death penalty as a public theater crime of any kind did not become so frequent, due to torture and punishments to be applied, such as pica, the whip, the guillotine or be burnt alive, but as this is not possible, states that life imprisonment could be applied, which in his view is a reliable and feasible to never again break the law and threaten the society.
For his part, Oscar Mesa attorney with experience over 15 years managing this and other cases in the courts of San Cristobal, said: "What the death penalty apply?, Is not permitted either by the church or by any other law, I argue that it should be added to the Penal Code in this chapter for sexual crimes the power to castrate the person who commits it, and there would be no problem, nor do you have in your hands the life of another person with the problem that the death penalty, would have more control and decrease violations largely "asked Mesa.
also psychological abuse that victims of sex abuse have after the event is huge, "said Ana Gallardin, the victim is often isolated, being submissive, have their world and be withdrawn, be afraid of relationships also children are the subject of pedophilia, it takes time to overcome the trauma (to know their sexuality prematurely), but despite not being aware of the abuse, often have problems later in their homes. This occurs because those responsible in 98% of cases of sexual abuse are family members or close friends of the victim, so it is more difficult to control these cases, because sometimes even though the person being a victim of abuse indicate the family does not believe, until after a problem occurs higher where shelter in the affected drugs, promiscuity or attempt suicide, said the psychological trauma specialist. Meanwhile
Roberto Cardenas, forensic psychologist and the Central Hospital morgue, said that psychological problems are manifested in both the victim and the abuser, because the problem of sexual abuse exist for a disease in childhood or stage of maturity of the individual who awakens their thirst in sexuality and makes them act in various situations as a desperate and perverted, such persons should receive counseling, atención médica y psiquiatra, dependiendo del caso no deberían ir a la cárcel, en los casos que he manejado el problema es psicológico, inquirió Cárdenas.
La pena de muerte es radical y por el nivel cultural que hay en el país y los problemas que se presentan en cuanto a la función del sistema penitenciario en Venezuela, no es muy conveniente que se llegue a aplicar, antes que nada somos seres humanos y no debemos tener manejo sobre la vida de los demás, solo Dios tiene ese derecho, simplemente debemos regirnos por hacer cumplir las leyes y tener más centros de ayuda para las personas que sufran de dichas patologías, informó Cárdenas.
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